Sunday, February 28, 2010

Week 2

A few highlights from our week.....

We found a new church to go to has a great Sunday School for Lincoln that he loves! So I was able to get one more wear out of his Christmas outfit!

Corinne seems to have developed a cowlick that I can't seem to tame. She is not too pleased with it either!

We discovered that Mom sucks at building durable Lego helicopters!

Corinne and I packed up some of her "baby stuff" and Space Bagged everything we could and then organized storage.

And she perfected her climbing skills.

Lincoln was excited to see Karen, the cleaning lady.

Corinne does not have the same zest for housework and finds the whole "cleaning thing" dreadfully boring.

The kids had a nice bath together.

But Corinne is almost certain that Lincoln peed in the she is plotting something for the next tubby time.

Quotes of the Week:
Quote 1:
Lincoln (while carrying the boppy pillow downstairs for me) "I'm going to feed Sissy some of my boobie milk, Mama!"
Quote 2:
Lincoln (talking to me in the tub while I was getting Corinne dried off and in a diaper) "I'm done Mama!"
Me "Done with your tubby already? Don't you want to play some more? I haven't even scrubbed you yet!"
Lincoln "No, done peein' in the cup! Oh, here Mommy!" (hands me a cup full of pee)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Week 1

Our first week was tough. Corinne was so upset that she decided to join a gang.

Here is her gang sign.

Her "this mean business" face.

But she started to feel better with a little extra Mama lovin'.

Lincoln wanted to get his thoughts out through more creative outlets.

Miss Karen (our cleaning lady that he has a huge crush on) and her "doffies"--what Lincoln calls vacuums. And of course, Lincoln helping.

Okay, I guess we will draw the rest of the family too.

Corinne practiced playing tag with Lincoln and Chomper.

Lincoln was still a bit bummed about missing Dada.

So he decided to play "There She Is" (our version of Peek-a-boo) with Sissy and Mama.

Corinne was convinced that it was the coolest game ever!

That is until she discovered dress-up!

And who doesn't love to read a good book now and again?

Chasing Brother is fun too!

My friend Jessica and I took our 4 kids (all 2 and under) to Disneyland for the day. Some would call us brave---perhaps a more accurate assessment would be stupid. Regardless, the kids sure had fun.

Ava and Jake-Jake's Mom let them feed themselves cotton candy!

When the kids acted up, I just threw them in the crate for awhile!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Welcome to our blog! I will try my best to keep everyone up to date on the latest and greatest with the family! Feel free to visit as often or as little as you like to check in on us. And for security reasons all information on Nathan will be very general!

Here is a little about our past week.

We were really bummed that Dada was leaving us.

But we decided to make the best of the time we had left.

So we helped him pack.

We got some good tickles in.

And did one final inspection.

We decided he was "good to go" as long as he promises not to forget our cute little faces.

So we took one last family shot together.

And said our good-byes.