Thursday morning, I woke up early and prepped us for a long day out because Karen was coming over, and I was a bit nervous that Lincoln would get upset about missing out on some of the cleaning. So Corinne helped me make sandwiches.
Lincoln's lunch staple is peanut butter and honey. Since I let her help, I was hoping that she would soon jump on board and enjoy a PB and H herself, but reluctantly she decided that peanut butter is tasty, but not on bread. GRRRRRRRR, I guess my days of packing her only the guts of a sandwich are not over. For now I will have to stick with the usual--meat, fruit, crackers, carrots, yogurt, and a dessert.
The kids found time to squeeze in a viewing of Sleeping Beauty. They like to reenact the ending.
We headed to speech and swimming lessons, and I could already tell Corinne was going to be trouble. She was feisty, overly tired, and pretty much altogether against everything. She started out swimming lessons chewing on her goggles, which I warned her not to do because they would break. Not two seconds later did they snap in her face. That was the beginning of a meltdown. She was inconsolable,and spent the first half of class crying in the water. With no hope of saving the lesson, I pulled her out and dried her off. Lincoln finished up class and we headed straight home for a much needed nap. I checked Corinne's teeth that night only to realize that she is indeed cutting four molars. When Lincoln cut teeth he went on a food and drink strike, leading us to eventually take him to the ER for an IV because he was so dehydrated. Corinne is acting like normal, aside from her unusual meanness. She always has an attitude, but is never this upset and needy. While Corinne napped Lincoln got in a bit of cleaning with his leading lady--making him super happy. Then I prepped for our overnight playdate with Eda, Aiden, and baby Emma. Aiden is big into cars and trucks, so I taped off the family room with a crazy path of roads for the kids to play on. I also brought Corinne's dollhouse and van down so she didn't feel left out.
Friday afternoon Corinne received roses from Nathan with a super special note. (I got my favorite daylilies too, but they were not open yet--so I skipped on a picture). She was super happy, and felt very important and loved by her Daddy!
The transportation playdate was a hit with the kids.
Corinne also loved helping take care of baby Emma. I was really impressed with Lincoln and his openness to sharing everything while Aiden was here. It helped that Aiden brought some really cool trucks to share as well. Eda watched all the kids Saturday morning so that I could get my hair done. Thank you Eda--it was a much needed trip to the salon!
On Sunday, we headed to church where they celebrated Cornerstone's 20th birthday. The kids were more than happy to have a cupcake after class. Corinne must have been a pistol because when I picked her up the lady said, "She certainly has a strong opinion about the way she wants things done." I take it as her way of saying she was a bit of a witch--I wasn't surprised considering her teeth and behavior lately. We headed home for her to get a good nap in, then went over to Home Goods in search of some new decorative hangers for Corinne's dress-up holder. I also scored a Playmobil pirate ghost dingy for $3.99 and tucked it away for Valentine's Day! The kids spent the rest of the evening goofing off.
We wrapped up the night putting on a firefighter parade with our musical instruments--something they had seen off of a Curious George episode.
I was in charge of the maracas.
Then Corinne swapped out her helmet for Daddy's desert cover.
Lincoln and Corinne woke up early Monday morning ready to head to Colton's house for his birthday party. We had time to spare, so they played "baby" in the pack'nplay that was still set up for baby Emma over the weekend. Corinne crawled around on the floor or Lincoln carried her, and then put her to "sleep" in the pack'nplay.
Then she ate breakfast in the highchair--silly girl!
We finally headed to Colton's for some fun festivities that included a bounce house.
Corinne was a bit nervous at first with all the big kids, but quickly made a friend with a seven-year-old
named Daniel. Apparently he has a baby sister that he only sees every other weekend, but loves to help take care of. He guarded her corner and kept the big kids from bumping into her, and then when they came too close, picked her up and bounced with her. She was delighted with her "special friend".
We sang happy birthday to Colton, and enjoyed some yummy food and cupcakes.
Corinne happily parked herself right next to Daniel to eat her treat.
Lincoln and I had to leave the party a bit early for his doctor's appointment with the pediatrician. I was really surprised that he left the party without a fight. He enjoyed a delicious chocolate cupcake lollipop from Jenn on the way there. (Thanks Jenn!)We got to the office, and I was more than a little anxious about what they might tell me. I really like our doctor, and he was honest with me about everything. Dr. Robbins said that he personally had major meltdown problems with his oldest (who is also a boy), and that it was a really difficult time for the whole family. They used a crying room to let their kids have tantrums in, and sometimes that meant holding the door shut. Right now I am using the chair and his chart. Little by little he is getting the concept and spending less time in it. Dr. Robbins explained that what worked best with his son was always prepping him for the next move and giving constant reminders about what was going to happen next. I couldn't help but think "yeah, we totally failed in that department for this deployment". Of course we talked about Nathan going away, but it wasn't something we focused on with so much up in the air. We also were just trying to enjoy our last bit of time together instead of making it depressing for everyone. As far as me prepping the kids on our daily tasks--I do it constantly, but sometimes I accidently take a job away from Lincoln because things have to get done (Chomper needs to go outside, Corinne needs out of her carseat, the toothpaste needs put on the toothbrush, etc.). He said most likely what is going on is that Lincoln is trying to take ultimate control over the little things in his life right now because so much of the big things are out of his control.
He assured me that everything I am doing and trying so far is a step in the right direction, but asking for help is definitely the next step. He said a therapist/psychologist will better be able to assess the whole situation and give me a "bag of tricks" to use to get through hard times.
Dr. Robbins also asked if I had a grandfather or uncle that could spend time with Lincoln weekly because it is really important that he gets male bonding time. I tried my hardest to hold it together, but the tears just ran down my face. Oh my, if we only had family closer! Then he suggested Little League as an option to get some weekly male time in. Right now I have Linc set up with a sports clinic that starts in March and runs for eight weeks. He will learn flag football, soccer, t-ball, and track during that time. I decided this might be our best bet for fear that I would put him in one sport and then he would hate it. This way he gets to see what he likes and what he is good at, and we can go from there. Now I just have to hope and pray the "coach" is male. Dr. Robbins randomly mentioned buying him a light saber so he can do "manly" pretend play. (Ironically, there should be one arriving in the mail from Nathan for Lincoln's Valentine's Day surprise.) He said working with a therapist should also give us some tips on how to deal with some of Lincoln's slight OCD tendencies and need for perfection. (I have to admit he comes by that part naturally from both myself and Nathan--poor kid!) I left the appointment feeling relieved--knowing that I wasn't nuts for bringing him in and feeling like I was doing the best I can.
I also asked about supplements and adjusting Linc's diet. He said there is a lot of research out there that swears for or against it, but a balanced diet is always best. If I wanted to go that route, I might start by eliminating red dye because it seems to have proven the best results with patients who have tried it. After letting Lincoln gobble down that red chocolate cupcake with no ill effects for the rest of that evening or the following morning, I would say that red dye doesn't necessarily have a negative effect on Lincoln's behavior.
After picking Corinne up from her extended stay at that party (Thank you Amber!), we headed home to a wonderful Valentine's Day treat from Grammy--a new camo watch for Linc and sparkling heart jewelry for the Pirate Princess! Thank you Grammy! Lincoln can now tell what hour it is on a non-digital watch, but is no where close to understanding how to count minutes. I was pretty impressed, but decided I should probably make a larger clock for easier learning.
Overall, Monday was a great day for all of us.
I woke up Tuesday morning to a very excited Corinne ready to smother me with hugs and kisses and a big "Happy Valentine's Day". Thank God for those wonderful moments. Lincoln slept in, so we got ready and slipped downstairs to prep for breakfast.
I told her today was all about showing love for one another. These are the Valentine's we made for Nathan.
And the following are the ones the grandparents got a few weeks ago. I sort of wanted to keep them all for myself to hang up around the house to remind the kids to be nice!
Corinne spotted their presents and was not happy about waiting on brother to get out of bed, so I gave her the go to get him up. Lincoln came downstairs and they tore into their gifts.
Then we had some yummy cinnamon rolls for breakfast.
Corinne had three--who knew this Cheerios addict had a secret love of cinnamon rolls. (Glad I got the four-pack from Sam's).
After the morning hustle and bustle, we went to speech then headed to base to meet up with Brittany, Ethan, and Ellie. The kids played at the park while Ellie napped, then we headed to the Carlsbad Outlets.
(Of course, I caught Lincoln peeing at the park right outside of their house, again. I don't know what is up with my son and his need to pee in odd places. This time it was the wood chips. I caught him mid-stream and he knew he was busted. He ran back to me without a fuss waiting for my rant--knowing I would not be happy. I told him once again that we put our pee in the toilet, and that we only pee outside for emergencies after asking where a good spot is first. I also told him that if he couldn't control where he puts his weenie, I was going to have to cut it off! I know totally outlandish, but I was going for drama here. Then I told him when we got home, I was going to pee in his bed. He didn't have a tantrum or argue, but accepted his punishment and moved on with a sad face. Luckily Lincoln's Piss Capades only happen when he is around his boy friends, but I am not sure how much more I can take! Is this a common male practice? Maybe it all starts with a little see whose is bigger contast--whatever the case, I would love it if we could keep the pee in the potty from now on!)
We enjoyed a slightly rambunctious meal at Ruby's before hitting the shops. I am not sure all the old folks in Carlsbad fully appreciated our group, but if they were hoping for a quiet Valentine's Day meal, they should have splurged for the five-star restaurant! Actually, the kids were really good and it was pretty stress free.
We made a stop inside Baby Gap to shop for the kids. As I was wrapping up my purchases I turn to hear Brittany saying, "What are you doing Ethan?" I see Ethan following Corinne around the store while she piles his arms up high with clothes and shoes. He shrugged his shoulders and replied, "Corinne wants to try these on." Then he took her to the fitting room where she proceeded to try on all the shoes and check herself out in the mirror. I later shared this story with Nathan through email commenting that I am not sure where she gets it from because he never does that for me, and that our little Diva is going to make some poor guy go completely broke one day. His response--"Yeah, I hope I am not that poor guy!"
We decided to treat the kids to mini cupcakes as their reward for being good while we shopped.
After we were done shopping we headed to a nearby park and then to Brittany's house so I could avoid the evening traffic. It was a great way to spend the day with a fellow Marine wife in my same shoes. As we got in the car Lincoln asked me to please not pee in his bed when we got home. I assured him that I wouldn't because it was gross! I am hoping the shock factor might have worked.
We came home late, quickly ate dinner, then opened up a surprise package from Mimi and Grandpa Jinks.
Corinne was ecstatic over her new Tinkerbell bowls (She broke her old one a few months back and I was having a really hard time finding a replacement).
And Lincoln was pumped to add two more Hot Wheels to his collection as well as enjoy all the other goodies. Thanks Mimi and Granpa Jinks for sticking with marshmallow candy and not giving us a sugar overload! Also thanks for the book, plates, and glasses for me!
I would say that overall, the kids made out this year! I love my flowers that are still making my house smell beautiful, and the kids are enjoying their new books and toys. Our Valentine's Day was really wonderful--at least the best it could be with half of our hearts on the other side of the world.
Wednesday called for rain so we changed our original plans to try to go to Disneyland. We had just given Colton a Nerf gun for his birthday, and Lincoln was itching for one of his own. It turns out that Lincoln had finally earned 10 "gold dabloons" for having good behavior on his chart. (He gets stickers or X's for certain behaviors---staying calm vs. losing his temper, kindness vs. meaness, being a helper vs. being defiant, and an X for whining. At the end of the day if he ends with mostly stickers he gets a happy face card and a gold dabloon. Once he has 10 gold dabloons, he can buy a treat--which is usually a trip to Yogurt Factory.) Feeling a little overwhelmed with sugary goodies and not wanting to just buy Linc the gun for nothing, I told him we were going to take a trip to Target to check prices on some things. I also knew Nerf was on sale and had found a $5 off coupon that morning for a gun he might like. I was also hoping the Nerf gun might help him release some of his built up testosterone.
Part of me thought I was a little nuts to take the kids into the toy section just to look and "check prices". We need a new blow up pool for the summer, so I scanned the outdoor section. Lincoln spotted bikes and whispered in my ear that he wanted to buy Corinne a bike for her birthday--with his money. I love that he is getting back his sweet disposition and thinking of others once again. Next we headed to the Nerf gun section. We found a great one that resembles an M-16--at least I think it does, but what do I know, for $15. Lincoln agreed to "buy" the gun as his treat in lieu of getting ice cream. We came home, and once again Corinne wanted to head straight for a nap instead of eating lunch. The clouds from the rain gave Lincoln ample time to get acquainted with his weapon while his sister slept.
We have another mini Nerf gun that Lincoln loaned to me so we could have a dual. Luckily he isn't that great of a shot. I made him do a test to make sure it wouldn't hurt when I (or Corinne or Chomper) got shot with his new one. I had my back turned to him in case he accidently caught my face with a bullet. He kept firing away, missing every time, until he finally got me and I assured him it didn't hurt. He still had a few rounds and kept shooting (mostly missing) and I suddenly felt like he was really close. I turned around and found him at point blank range ready to fire! So we started a war and played for a good hour or so. He had the bigger, better gun. But I had a laser. And we both had a blast.
Corinne woke up a bit crabby from her nap, but Lincoln readily shared Blankie and Turtle with her to calm her down and make her comfortable.
Complete with stolen kisses...
And lot of tickles.
Somewhere in the mix of sneaking pictures, I became the target.
It wasn't long before I had two rowdy monsters climbing all over me.
Our evening roughhousing session did make it a bit difficult to get the kids calmed down for bed at the end of the night, but it was worth it. What a wonderful day and an exceptional feeling of relief. Three great days in a row filled with fun and laughter coming from my kids makes me one happy Mama! And one of the best parts is that even when I did have to correct a bad behavior Lincoln was quick to apologize and seemed to understand what needed to change. Yes, we might be making progress!
Quote 1: While Eda was watching the kids she noticed Linc was constantly "adjusting'" his male parts.
Eda: "What's up Linc? Do you have an itch?"
Lincoln: "Oh no, this is my happy place."
Hmmmm, at least he was honest right?
Quote 2: While laying Lincoln down in bed for the night.
Lincoln: "Why did you and Sissy get a Valentine's Day gift from Daddy and I didn't?"
Me: "He sent you one too, but ours came from a shop right around the corner that he ordered from and yours is coming from Afghanistan, so it will take a long time to get half way around the world."
Lincoln: "What is it?"
Me: "It's a surprise and I am not really sure."
Lincoln: "Oh, well I hope it's not flowers! I would really like a gun or a knife or a sword!"
I think light saber falls into the sword category, so he should be happy.
Quote 3: At Colton's party Corinne brings Daniel over to introduce me.
Corinne: "This is my boy. He is my special friend."
She is trouble, trouble, trouble.
Quote 4: While snuggling in bed with Lincoln one morning, he randomly scoots to the opposite side.
Me: "What no more snuggles for Mom?"
Lincoln: "You are making me hot!" removes his shirt "I am going to start calling you Toaster Mama!"
And he does, and has now taught Corinne to call me that too!
Quote 5: After making negotiations at Target to get the gun instead of go for ice cream. I made him shake on it and everything.
Lincoln: "I think buying the gun is a much better idea because ice cream is just full of sugar and we don't need any sugar. It will like make us fat and isn't great for our teeth. I think you have the best plans ever and from now on I am going to go with your plans. They are much better than mine."
Me: "I think that sounds like a great idea!"
Who are you my child, and can you stay forever???
Quote 6: While teaching me how to shoot his new Nerf gun.
Lincoln: "And here are your darts my Lady!"
Such a gentleman as he readies me for battle.
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