Thursday, February 2, 2012

Week 6, Round 2

This week was hit or miss in terms of having good days vs. bad days with the kids.  Despite my best efforts to keep us busy, it seems some days are just destined for chaos and disaster.  In some ways it was a bit bipolar, we had some high highs and some low lows.  Overall, we ended the week on a good note, and sometimes that is all I need to keep truckin'. 

Thursday we had swimming lessons as usual.  The kids had a great time practicing their skills.  Both Corinne and Lincoln got a private lesson this week, which gave them extra attention and the opportunity to wear themselves out.  Corinne practiced her jellyfish float among other things. 

Lincoln perfected his front and back kicks and jumped one level up to Yellow One.  He is now the proud owner of FOUR swim level bracelets. 

Corinne was exhausted and headed straight for a nap when we got home, so Lincoln and I took the opportunity to paint her wardrobe that Grandpa Jinks built her for Christmas.  He also snacked on a few marshmallows while I prepped.  Afterall, no project is complete without a yummy snack. 

Lincoln is a great painter, and I was happy to have the help and give him a project to do. 

The kids were pretty dirty after that, so we wrapped up the day with some bubble fun in the bathtub. 

Somewhere in the mix on Thursday Corinne decided that she was done needing help in the bathroom.  She must of had to go really bad at one point and I was busy.  Because she did it on her own, and then, the next time said, "I need to pee!  Watch me do it all by myself."  So we all accompanied her to the potty and watched her get up by herself, hold her dress up, wipe, flush, and wash!  Hooray for me and one less hiney to wipe!

Friday was a challenging day to say the least.  It might have started with a few tantrums at home, but the chaos continued throughout the day.  I had high hopes of making it to the grocery, but morning meltdowns prevented the trip from being executed.  Then we met Mabel and Luke at the park to ride bikes and play, but I left the house completely unorganzied--unable to find my phone.  While driving the bluetooth kicked in, so I knew my phone was close.  After about an hour of searching and tearing the truck apart, I found it---in the bed of the truck with Corinne's tricycle!  Despite my phone fiasco, the kids had fun.  Lukey let Corinne try out his new big kid bike.  She was frustrated at first with having to deal with brakes, but quickly caught on.  She might be ready for a bike for her 3rd birthday!

Colton and Weston joined us at the park and brought along a TON of duck food.  Amber's kids are a bit tougher than mine--and more antimidating to the ducks.  Weston joyfully chases them around,  while poor Corinne always has a problem with the geese snatching bread right out of her hand.  The kids discovered the perfect feeding solution--standing on rocks out of their reach!
They had a great time feeding them at a safe distance from both the water and the pushy geese!
Lincoln was happy to be out enjoying the sunshine with friends.
We came home to do a few craft projects for Dad.  Friday was rough for me because Lincoln seemed to be extra grouchy.  Sometimes I feel like his whole world revolves around "do-overs"--his insistance that something is not perfect and wanting to start over.  I struggle to juggle between coddling his feelings and emotions vs. explaining to him that the world does not operate that way.  Sometimes it truely feels like Lincoln is bound and determined to have a meltdown one way or another.  At least Corinne had fun with our projects. 
We tried to relax on Saturday and finally made it to the store.  Then we met Ethan and Ellie at the park for some much needed playtime.  The came home exhausted and dirty---ready for a bath. 
I stole this shaving cream + food coloring idea from Jenn--Mable and Lukey's mom.  The kids had a blast with it. 
It was a bit of a pain running between two bathrooms, but it was worth it. 

Our only problem was the muffin tin seemed to flood easily.

Corinne didn't mind having a floating paint pallet.
We wrapped up the evening with a specialty pizza made by Lincoln!

I spent the rest of the evening wrestling with another Hot Wheels track and playing with Corinne.

On Sunday the kids were feeling better so I felt comfortable taking them to church without the fear of spreading their germs from last week.  It was a good break from each other.  Once again Lincoln came out of church respectful and eager to please. 

Corinne took a nap after lunch, and Lincoln helped me finish up Corinne's wardrobe in between experiments with making "tornadoes" in an empty cookie jug. 

I remembered doing a similar project in gradeschool with 2-liter bottles and glitter.  Luckily, I had some glitter on hand so he could see the real effects of spinning the water. 
Corinne woke up, donned a "new to us" swimsuit that she was super excited to finally fit into, and got right into the action. 
She was very impessed by her brother's water twister. 

They spent the rest of the afternoon playing in the backyard together.
While splashing in the pool, Lincoln made a great discovery that helped with bathtime on Saturday:  plastic plates float really well, have a rim to keep out the water, and best of all--MOM DOESN'T HAVE TO WASH THEM!

He was pretty excited that his hypothesis was correct.

Corinne was happy with her new paint pallet too!

After I laid the kids down I got to work wrapping up the wardrobe.  Those letters were a pain in the hiney.  I wished more than once while painting them that my daughter was not a picker--knowing it would have been so much easier to just slap some letter stickers on!

I even drilled the holes for the hooks.  Yes, I am a bit proud, but it was my first time using the drill in wood with drill bits.  I usually stick to using it as an electic screwdriver.  Corinne loved it, but my big mistake was putting it in the playroom instead of leaving it downstairs for her to discover.  She woke up at 6 am on Monday morning, and instead of getting my normal morning cuddles with her--along with some extra ZZZ's, I awoke to the sounds of her frantically trying to flip on all the lights to check out her new dress up holder.  She jumped right into her pirate princess outfit, then brought me a tutu to wear.  Nothing like a round of dress up before the sun comes up!
On Monday afternoon we had a picnic at the lake with Ethan and Ellie before science class. 
They played in the grass and then fed the ducks.
This time, I came armed with a bag full of snacks to keep Corinne entertained during class.

They learned about air pressure and suction cups.
They loved the toilet paper wind demonstration. 

Linc learned about electrons and neutrons through static electricity...
And how is own finger has a slight charge that can move charged up little Styrofoam balls.
He got a big lesson on pinecones and the various types, as well as different leaf patterns.

He learned more about bones, and brought home a sea urchin shell.
Tuesday was a particularly bad day with a major meltdown at the post office while trying to get Nathan his box in time for Valentine's Day.  We had yet another "do-over" day.  An occasional do over is acceptable, but at some point we have to move on from that moment and continue living life.  Moments like these are exhausting when you try to calm your child, but he refuses to accept that life is still happening around him.  "No Lincoln, I cannot go dig our box out of the back of the building, get my money back, get in the car, and redo the whole process so that you can hand the lady my credit card instead of Corinne because handing her my ID that needed to be checked was simply not good enough."  Yes, those moments are exhausting, but when you have whole days like that--it is downright draining.  I came home, and made an appointment with the pediatrican to talk about various consoling options, anger management issues, and possibly adjusting his diet.  We will see what other resources are available that might help him and myself get through this. 
We somehow managed to work in a bit of snuggle time in between meltdowns. 
Wednesday was like a whole different ballgame for us.  We had planned a trip with Ava, Jake, and Jessica to go visit some tidepools at Cabrillo National Monument.  Jessica and I had big plans to do this last deployment only to discover that the best time to go was during low tide, and at time the two low tides of the day were late at night and the crack of dawn---not for us!  We finally made it and it was awesome!  It was a bit chilly, so we loaded the kids up with raincoats, boots, and buckets--ready to explore.

The coast and calmness was both beautiful and breathtaking--so worth the drive!

At first, I was a bit worried about the climb down to the water with four little ones, so I strapped Corinne in the backpack and we found a somewhat easy path to navigate.

Corinne was perfectly content searching for pretty shells on the beach.  She was "afraid a big wave might get" her. 

Lincoln jumped right into the shallows searching for little creatures.

Right away we found a ton of anemone.  For a kid in speech, Lincoln says that word, better than I do!  I was the first one to touch it, not wanting Lincoln to be the one to find out if it stings.  Of course it moved and I shrieked like Miss Muffet meeting the spider and jumped away.  But it didn't sting, so Lincoln dove right in. 
He gave it a poke and said, "That anemone just gave my finger a kiss."  And I must say, that is a great explaination of what it felt like.  He decided that anemone hold onto the rocks a lot like the suction cups he learned about in science class. 
Lincoln also caught a few hermit crabs.  And when I say Lincoln, I mean Lincoln.  As great of an idea this was to go exploring tidepools, I came to the realization, that I am still a wimp.  Anything with pinchers that I couldn't catch in our net, I left to Lincoln.  And this is the same reason I have no interest in keeping reptiles or large bugs as pets--if they get loose, I will not be the one to catch them and put them back.

Lincoln found some clam shells, as well as a piece of old sea urchin. 

Corinne was running on two days with no nap, so she was a little tired in the backpack.  Most of our time down at the tidepools went like this:  "I want out!"  "Get me in that backpack a wave is going to get me."  "Hold me, now go out in the water!"  Oh, my poor princess tried her hardest to be brave, but she still had a good time.

She insisted on checking out a "cave" with her brother.  Lincoln assured her not to worry because he would protect her.
The kids completed their journey down to the water by climbing a mountain of broken off cliff rock/clay.
After a picnic lunch, we went to explore the Point Loma Lighthouse.

It was a small little place to explore, but the kids enjoyed it. 

It brought me back to my childhood and reading Keep the Lights Burning, Abbie by Connie Roop.   I had to ask Jessica if she too had read the book as a child.  I wasn't sure if it was a common childhood story, or just a common one for me--considering the title.  Turns out it is more popular than I thought.

And what better way to end an adventure than walking along a rock wall???

It was beautiful and perfect.

The kids loved spying sailboats off the coast...
and one huge Naval ship that we could have used a husband to properly name.  The conversation went something like this "Whoa, look at that huge boat!  What is it called?"  I look at Jessica and we both say, "Ummmm, a Naval ship."  Works for me!

It was the best day I have had with the kids in a long, long time!  They both fell asleep in the car ride home, and I was so thankful to literally enjoy every moment with them.  We made it through the whole day exploring, discovering, and relishing all of God's good work with not a single meltdown--not even over wet socks.  And let's be honest people, wet socks do kind of suck. 

We arrived home in time to unload everything and throw all of our stuff into the wash.  We had breakfast for dinner, and then enjoyed a viewing of Soul Surfer.  Ironically it came in the mail after a day of exploring the ocean.  I was pretty confident with the PG rating that the kids would be fine with it despite the impending shark attack.  Both kids love the water and the ocean.  They also love Shark Week, and know about the dangers in the water.  At the beginning of the movie Lincoln and Corinne were absolutely convinced that surfing was the best thing ever.  They had somewhat changed their minds after the shark attack, but by the middle of the movie both kids were rooting for Bethany and truely amazed by her success.  It is a great movie (if you can overlook some bad acting by Carrie Underwood) with an awesome lesson about overcoming challenges. 

 And sometimes one good day is all we need to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Quote 1:  At swimming lessons.
Instructor:  "Ready to get started?  Can you tell me your name?"
Corinne:  "I'm Sleeping Beauty you know?"

Quote 2:  While laying Corinne down at night.
Me:  "Can I have my kiss and a hug?"
Corinne:  With a smirk, "Ummmm, how about a high-five?"
Me:  "What??? I always rate smoochies!"
She is too young for denying kisses from her mom!

Quote 3:  During one of our family trips to the bathroom after Corinne learned to go on her own.
Lincoln:  "Girls have to wipe every time they go potty because they don't have bendy weenies that can shake,-shake the drips off.  They just have to pat-pat like that because that's the way it goes.  If girls had weenies they would be boys.  Then there would be no mamas or sisters."

Quote 4:  While laying Corinne down for nap.
Me:  "Do you want to read Zigby?"  (a Zebra book she got for Christmas)
Corinne:  "Yes, Zigby!  I love zebras.  Zebras make me happy.  Not lions, just zebras!"

Quote 5:  While packing for the tidepools.
Lincoln:  "You know there is lots to discover.  We might see a shark, but don't worry Sissy.  I will protect you.  I bite sharks."

Quote 6:  During our Soul Surfer viewing.
Corinne:  "Rewind it, I want to see that shark bite off her arm again!"
Me:  "No, that already happened.  Why do you want to see that part again?"
Lincoln:  "Don't worry she is going to grow a new one back."
Me:  "No, she is stuck with a stub.  People are not like lizards and starfish."
Lincoln:  "No, she will grow a new one.  I know it!" 
I don't know what is more alarming--the fact that Corinne has a knack for the gruesome or that Lincoln is convinced people regenerate limbs like some of our animal friends.  As long as they "don't try this at home" all will be fine in my world. 

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