Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 7, Round 2

This week was a lesson in trial and errror for us.  Sometimes I see what my kids need, and I try to deliver, but it doesn't always work out.  At this point, I just do my best and hope for the best, then try to move on from that moment with a better attitude.  Sometimes I feel like God is punishing me for having so much fun on Nathan's last deployment--I was simply too arrogant thinking, "I don't see what the big deal is, we are fine and having a blast keeping ourselves busy".  And then there are moments when I come to the realization that this is only making me stronger and so many people are depending on me right now--time to step it up and deliver.  I just have to take a deep breath, take a step back, and realize that I can do this, I will get through this, and this is only temporary in the grand scheme of things. 

Thursday started out pretty normal for us with speech for Lincoln.  His teacher developed a new strategy for getting him to expel his sounds through the front of his mouth using a straw, so he can feel the air blow out on his "k" and "g" sounds.  He is doing quite well, and I never would have thought of trying something like that myself.  For me, it is hard to recognize when he is mispronouncing something or expelling the sounds laterally through his mouth because I have learned to speak fluent Lincoln over the years.  But this new technique gives us a physical "cue" when he is delivering the desired sounds. 

Both Lincoln and Corinne had a blast at swimming lessons this week.  I decided to keep them in throughout February to give them one more constant activity, but with summer approaching classes are getting a bit fuller.  Their limit is three students for every one instructor, but I am not sure if I will keep them in through March if the pool gets a lot more crowded.  For my kids, the more children that are in the pool, the more distracted they become.  But for now, Lincoln is working on perfecting his kicks and glides.
And Corinne works on taming her kicks to be more like a flutter and less like a karate kick.

We came home after swimming lessons and Corinne was beat.  She opted for a nap straight away instead of lunch.  I took the opportunity to do some one on one time with Lincoln.  I felt like he needed to do something manly and that he was on the edge of being really crabby, so I asked if he would help me mow the back yard, even though it didn't really need it.  We mowed away, but he still seemed a bit on edge.  Then Corinne woke up and he happily escorted her around on his trike.  I have been meaning to get rid of that thing for awhile, but it makes my heart so happy when he carts her around in the back basket.
My second attempt at manliness was building a fire for the night.  I thought if I do it early enough and let Lincoln help. all will be well.  So the kids enjoyed a pre-dinner snack while we soaked up some warmth, then followed it up with another trike ride. 

Despite my best efforts, Lincoln still seemed a bit crabby. I tried to salvage the night by making waffles for dinner (Lincoln's favorite), and he happily gobbled them up. Not 10 minutes later did he run into the kitchen saying he had made a mistake, he wanted apples for dinner instead. I told him he could have an apple if he was still hungry, but he wanted me to get the waffles out of his stomach by making him throw up. After trying to calm him down, he started punching himself in the stomach in an effort to get the waffles to come up.  So I took him down the hall and wrapped him up in my arms and legs and explained to him that people that make themselves throw up go to the hospital and stay for a really long time.  At this point, my heart was breaking--knowing that something out of my control was causing my son so much anxiety and pain.  After laying the kids down for the night I called Warren (Nathan's best friend) for an emergency "man-date" with Lincoln, scheduled for Sunday. 

On Friday the kids woke up a little too early and a little too crabby.  I had planned on getting errands done, but it seemed like every step along the way was going to be a battle.  After a major meltdown with Lincoln, I canned our plans to take Chomper to the groomer.  Then I called Brittany for an emergency playdate so that Lincoln could have some boy time with Ethan.  We made a quick trip to Target and headed down to Oceanside.  Corinne had a nice surprise waiting for her from Brittany--a zebra print dress to match Ellie's!  Thank you Brittany!
Part of me was thinking "I can't believe I just drove an hour for my kid to get the playtime he needs."  The other part of me knew that this was the only way to salvage the day with Lincoln.  He had a blast climbing the rocks around the park.  Both Lincoln and Ethan spotted an "available" male at the park with his girlfriend and latched onto him instantly.  Luckily the stranger was a good sport, and happily listened to their stories and then enjoyed a game a frisbee with the boys.  I am so thankful for that random soul to let our kids share in a litle a little testosterone bonding that they so dearly needed. 

In an effort to avoid traffic and keep the kids happy, we picked up a pizza on the way back to Brittany's after our park date.
We wrapped up the evening with a viewing of "Beauty and the Beast" while our kids huddled up shirtless.
Saturday morning we headed down to Carlsbad to check out Aiden and Emma's new place.  It is beautiful and comes with a great view.  The best part is that they are just minutes from the beach!  The kids got right into the digging process.

Corinne felt like no trip to the beach is complete without a "sand angel".
They loved running in the open air.

They had to use a little team work to haul the wet sand up from the water.

Emma had fun watching the three wild ones play.
The kids were beat after our trip to the beach, so I jumped on the opportunity to have some "me" time with Linda.  We have a few adult beverages and girl time after the kids went down.  It is sort of sad that I have to smuggle my friends into the house after the kids go to sleep, but if they know they know some of their favorite people are downstairs it takes hours to put them to bed. 

Honestly the rest of the weekend is a bit of a blur.  I had a bit of external chaos to deal with that left my mind in other places.  I was spending way too much time talking on the phone and emailing Nathan, and my kids were suffering a bit from me not reallying being "here".  Every decision was a scramble and our plans had to change.  We missed church and Linc's man-date with Warren.  I finally decided I needed to do something for me and my kids, so I headed over to Brittany's for a superbowl party after Corinne woke up from her nap.  Lincoln had a blast playing at their park with one of his best buds.  Then they finished up the night with s'mores by the fire. 

Monday morning, I was completely exhausted from lack of sleep and stress.  I still had issues to deal with, and I felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders.  So we spent the morning at home.  Lincoln took the opportunity to check on his frozen grapes in ice expirament--something he saw off of Curious George.  He is learning a lot about how different temperatures alter water and how some things can be changed back from solids to liquids and other things like, eggs can't.  (Permanent vs. reversible changes in matter). 
Then we headed to science class with Ethan.  Linda came and picked Corinne up for a walk around the lake and playtime at the park.  I really appreciated being able to participate more in class with Lincoln, and I know Corinne loved her one on one time with Miss Linda. 

They learned more about bones and nerves on a buffalo skull.
Then they made "science slime" and saw how polymers interact and bond.  Lincoln named his slime buddy "Squishy Fishy". 
We actually had recently watched Flubber, so he was pretty pumped to have created his own little pet. 
Lincoln learned more about air pressure with the "Master Air Blaster" and how both air and sound can make objects move.

Lincoln came home with more shells, as well as a "cactus skeleton". 

Lincoln also came home with a magnet and a tube of iron bits--you know the same stuff they put inside those "Wooly Willy" toys that let a kid give a bald guy a hair style. 
He also learned about bird calls and we brought home a whistle--just what I need right???

We made a candle out of bees wax that Lincoln wants to burn, but I am a bit hesitant--I know it might trigger a meltdown when he discovers that the wax makes an irreversible change.
Monday night, I was dragging and had high hopes of heading to bed at a decent hour.  The kids must have sensed my need for closeness and extra support because when I laid them down in bed (first Corinne, and then Lincoln--just like always) Corinne snuck into Lincoln's room for extra snuggles.  They they insisted that we all go to Mom's bed for a sleepover.  I figured that for once, they probably knew what was best for us--so I caved and off to bed we went.  I was pretty sure Corinne would bail on us because she is a girl that loves a good snuggle, but likes her space to sleep.  She threw in the towel at about 2030 and headed for her own bed.  Lincoln and I made it through the night, but at one point I was getting so close to falling off of the bed, that I just got up, walked around, and got in on the other side.  It was our first sleepover in our room and it was nice, but Corinne woke up at 0600 the next morning and Lincoln was not very happy with his early rising sister. 

On Tuesday, it was a bit cloudy and both kids were reluctant to get out of the house.  I dragged them to speech and then headed straight home.  We made it just in time before the rain.
Now this is a rainy day done right.  I made the biggest tent I could muster that would encompass the TV so we could spend the day snuggling up watching movies. 

After our stressful weekend, it was just what the doctor ordered...

Along with a little treat of brownies in a coffee mug, topped with ice cream of course!  Yes, oh so delicious and terribly dangerous because I almost always have the ingredients on hand.  Cheers to us!

Then Lincoln and I figured out the Keurig that Linda loaned us while Nathan is gone---since I offically suck at making coffee these days.  Nathan was the offical coffee maker in the house before he left, and my parents took over the duty while they were here, but lately I was not doing so well in the coffee department.  I was getting tired of straining my coffee every morning, and Lincoln is a huge fan of the hot chocolate cups.  Thank you Linda for making that part of my morning stress free! 
I woke up a new person on Wednesday, totally refreshed and ready to confront whatever was laid ahead.  We spent the morning running errands--first to drop Chomper off at the groomer, then to Lowes for a few odds and ends, and finally grocery shopping.  I made a deal with the kids that if they could be good, we could go to McDonald's afterwards.  And good they were!  The old Lincoln was back--he was not only back, but new and improved!  Here are a few things my little pumpkin did for me that morning--held the door for me every chance he got, strapped his sister in and out of the carseat, didn't freakout over spilled lemonade at McDonalds, gave his toy to his sister so she could have two, washed his sister's hands in the bathroom (twice!), saw that the groomer called while they were playing and magically appeared at my side ready to go---then headed back into the playplace to get Corinne for me, then carried her to the car for me!  I was laying the praise on super thick hoping this kid would stick around for good.  Oh my morning could not have been more perfect!

We came home and the kids played "house" in their clubhouse that is really our storage shed.
Unfortunately, they roped Chomper into their game and trapped him in the house to make him play too.

At least he was getting a little exercise and then Lincoln insisted he take a nap with him in the sun.  While the kids played outside, I was able to get all the laundry put away--something I had let go in the past week. 
Lincoln had a bit of a meltdown later that day over his sister accidently pushing the gas pedal on the Jeep during our trip to get the mail.  I was able to calm him down, but I decided we should go to the neighborhood park to run some more energy out of him.  They had a great time, but Lincoln had a major meltdown over the swings before we left.  He ended up battling me all the way to the car and then proceeded to punch me while fighting off getting strapped in his carseat.  I was thinking "I knew this was too good to be true", then we headed home. 

I am tired of sending him to his room and holding the door shut while he kicks it.  I am also tired of taking Corinne and I to my room, and locking the door so Lincoln can't get to us.  So I decided we would try something new that I saw on "America's Super Nanny".  I put him in a chair in the kitchen and refused to start the timer until he stopped screaming at me.  It took him quite awhile, then he had to sit without whining or talking for four minutes.  The good news is he hates it, so it might actually work.  And I know he isn't just up playing in his room.  The bad news is it still disrupts the rest of the family.    I got the kids in the shower, and I felt we were over the hump for the night until I put a penny in the wrong bank at bedtime.  So downstairs, we went.  He screamed and screamed some more, but at least he wasn't doing it in his room and waking Corinne up.  Again, it took him awhile to zip it long enough to keep the timer going.  In the meantime, I decided to polish our silver.  So I paced the kitchen trying to ignore him, taking out my frustrations on Corinne's silver cup.  And one meltdown later + lots of elbow grease = a sparkling specimen for all to enjoy!  Hey, I have to multitask whenever I can!


Quote 1:  While eating letter cookies.
Me:  "What is this letter?" (Q)
Corinne:  "Qua" (makes the sound)
Me:  "Awesome!  What is this one?" (O)
Corinne:  "O--O is for octopus!"
Yes, she is one smart cookie!

Quote 2:  While taking Lincoln to the bathroom at the park.
Lincoln:  "Why do cars not have a special place to go to the bathroom?
Me:  "Um, cars really don't go to the bathroom."
Lincoln:  "Yes they do!  They just pee and poop the whole time they are driving.  They eat gas and then use it up, and poop and pee it out the whole time it is running.  Then sometimes they leak oil."
Me:  "I guess you are sort of right kiddo."
Lincoln:  "Yes, I am right.  I know all about cars--you are pretty lucky.  I am going to make you a gold car one day when I get big."
Of course my son, would be the one insist that everything can be explained with poop.

Quote 3:  After lifing the kids up to touch the ceiling like Nathan does.
Me:  "No more, I am not strong enough to lift you guys over and over again."
Lincoln:  "Why because you are not Army Strong like me and Dad?"
Me:  "Hey you know Dad's a Marine, not a soldier right?"
Lincoln:  "I mean Marine Strong."
Gotta set him straight you know!

Quote 4:  While sitting around our campfire.
Lincoln:  "You know, I try not to miss Daddy so much."
Me:  "It's perfectly normal to miss him.  I miss him too."
Lincoln:  "I know, but when I miss him I become mean."
Insert broken heart here.

Quote 5:  Getting out of the car for the Super Bowl party.
Corinne:  "Does Ethan have a Daddy?"
Me:  "Of course he does, he is fighting the bad guys with your Daddy!"
Later, after going in and seeing three guys (her neighbors) plopped in front of their huge TV watching the game.
Corinne:  "Does Ethan have three Daddy's?"

Quote 6:  While leaving Brittany's after the Super Bowl.
Lincoln:  "Ethan and I are naughty you know?  We are like the Poop Brothers.  Poop Brothers stick together!"
Oh, enough with the poop already!  Boys are so gross!

Quote 7:  At science class.
Teacher:  "Has anyone ever touched a spider web?"
Lincoln:  "Oh nooooo, that is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too dangerous!"
So he does listen from time to time!

Quote 8:  While building the fort.
Lincoln:  "I'm hungry, can you fix me some lunch?
Me:  "I am almost done here, let me finish the fort, then we will eat."
Lincoln:  "I wish you were an octopus."
Me:  "Me too, so I had more arms to do stuff with?"
Lincoln:  "Yes, you could like make me lunch, build the fort, hold Sissy, do the dishes, and drive the car and mow the grass and carry everything all at the same time!"
Wouldn't that be nice!  I could definitely make use of six extra arms these days.

Quote 9:  While watching  a show on dolphins.
Corinne:  "What is that hole on top of their head?"
Me:  "Lincoln can you answer your sister's question?"
Lincoln:  "Oh, that is a blow hole.  They use it to breathe.  If they didn't have it they would drown, and sink to the bottom for all the crabs to eat.  Then they would be a pile of bones at the bottom of the ocean." 
At least he is detailed, right???

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