On Monday we headed to the beach and it was beautiful---probably our best trip so far this year with not a cloud in sight. Right away Lincoln put Aunt Terri to work on a sand castle.
I finally remembered to pack the string with the kite and Lincoln took Buzz on a flight.
It was a nice windy day so even Corinne gave it a try with no problems at all.
While Lincoln refreshed the water supply for the castle, Corinne focused on the toys.
And taking an occasional taste of sand.
It wasn't long before Linc had Aunt Terri in the water. Luckily it wasn't all that cold after you got used to it.
Then we decided to take a walk down the beach---or more like a run.
The kids had to inspect everyone else's sand castles and special beach finds.
Keeping them focused was a slight challenge as they were easily sidetracked by seagulls, waves, and other kiddos.
On Tuesday Lincoln and I headed out for his first day of Mommy and Me school. Aunt Terri stayed home with Corinne, so it was nice to be able to get into the program without the distraction of a baby sister. He did surprisingly well and I am hopeful that this next session will be filled with lots of fun and learning. He has a lot more boys in his class this time and they are more his age instead of a bunch of well behaved 4.5 year old girls. He was a bit too wild for the spring group of kids. We had a good time and even got to make s'mores--YUM!
It was 105 on Wednesday, so we headed back to the beach to cool off.
Corinne's main project for the day was investigating shoes. She kept trying to steal a cool set of floral flip flops from our beach neighbors.
Then Aunt Terri and the kiddos got to work on digging a big hole to play in.
It was just Corinne's size.
Then the kids and I made a special sign for Daddy in the sand.
Thursday was Lincoln's last swimming lesson. He was a great listener this time and really seemed to focus on learning. Unfortunately I am not sure he will ever have enough body fat to float on his own. I can remember my mom telling me I had a "lead a$$" when I was a kid as I tried and failed to float on my own. Only after packing on some womanly curves was I able to successfully float without paddling to stay above the water.
After Linc's lesson we headed to the eye doctor for Corinne where my suspicions were confirmed--the surgery was not successful. I am waiting to hear from the surgery coordinator to schedule her next operation where they will insert tubes into her tear ducts to allow them to properly drain and hopefully stretch them open. They will remain inside her for 6 months until they are removed in the clinic. Apparently we will be able to see the tiny tube poking out, but an untrained eye will not notice them. There is a slight risk they she can irritate them and they can slide out on their own. If this were to happen we will have to tape the tubes to her nose and then take her into the clinic to be removed the next day. I just hope this next phase is a success. The final two options become more and more invasive and will lead to major surgery if the tubing does not render the problem. This next procedure will be pushed back until Nathan gets home. I am in no rush to do that whole crack of dawn drive down to San Diego thing again. Although I am sure Corinne will do just fine with going under again, I am not so sure how Daddy will do. He tends to be a big wimp when it comes to the kiddos and shots and medical procedures.
In the midst of the heat, our "Little Guy" passed away. It was probably not so much the heat, but more my lack of feeding him. Oh well, he is in a better place now---a little place called my trash can. On a side note, I have remembered to refill my hummingbird feeder. We have about 3 that frequent our patio. The kids love it, just like my mom had said and we have not had any problems with ants. I have tried to capture a picture, but since I don't work for National Geographic or Planet Earth, my attempts have been super unsuccessful.
Corinne put on a fashion show for us one day with her new dress-up stuff from Aunt Terri and Uncle Chris.
On Friday we hit up the duck pond and park. Terri told me she now knows why I am a nervous wreck feeding the ducks because Lincoln slowly but surely inches closer and closer to the water's edge.
Corinne was content watching from the comfort of her stroller.
Then the kids got in some playtime at the park.
Corinne was insistent to climb the wall, but Lincoln reminded her "you are not big enough to do that!"
Lincoln and Aunt Terri got in a quick game of hopscotch.
The kids gave Terri a good workout on the swings.
Despite Corinne's carsick tendencies, she seems to really love a good swing ride.
Before we left I told Lincoln to grab Sissy for one last trip down the slide. Here he is man-handling her into position.
With a little help from Aunt Terri they got down okay.
On Saturday we said our goodbyes.
It's official--the kids are "hooked" on Aunt Terri. We hope to see her and Uncle Chris again soon. We all had such a great time and I am super thankful for the extra help with the munchkins. It was also nice to have a visitor to keep us busy during some of our last few weeks of "going it alone".
On Sunday we headed to church, but the day was filled with a few meltdowns. I have come to
expect these kind of days after we tell a visitor goodbye. The kids typically go into "withdrawl" mode.
Quote 1: Referencing his guitar t-shirt.
Lincoln: "Look a guitar."
Me: "Yes, it says 'My Mom Rocks!'"
Lincoln: "Oh, You can't rock. Only Dada can rock and play the guitar. Not you."
Me: Realizing he is refering to our Rock Band sessions, "I can play the guitar."
Lincoln: "No you play the drums while Uncle nad I play the guitar with Dada."
Me: "Actually I can't play the drums, they are too hard."
Lincoln: "Okay, I'll play the drums with Dada and Uncle. You play the guitar."
Quote 2: After our trip to the aquarium.
Lincoln: "Sometimes fish can bite our fingers off."
Quote 3: Randomly.
Lincoln: "Daddy and Uncle can take me fishing. I think Uncle can do it. He is a good fishing guy."
Quote 4: After having to leave a fancy Italian restaurant, upon noticing the cloth table clothes and lack of a kid menu, that Terri's iphone labeled as "kid friendly". Corinne freaked out wondering why we sat down to eat and then left without filling our bellies.
Lincoln: "Oh don't worry Sissy. It's okay. Don't be sad. We are going to another place to eat. That place didn't have pizza. Don't worry, we will get some food. Mommy is going to find another place."
Me and Terri: "Oh Lincoln that is so nice."
Lincoln: "That is nice to say to Sissy. Just like Mamom says nice things to me when I am sad."
This kid just melts my heart sometimes.
Quote 5: At prayer time after talking about our trip to the airport the next day.
Lincoln: "I don't want Aunt Terri to leave. I want her to stay here."
Me: "She has to go home and take care of Uncle Chris and her puppy dogs."
Lincoln: "I want her to be my friend forever."
Me: "I promise she will be your Aunt and your friend forever."
Lincoln: "Okay."