This week was definitely a challenging one and very trying on my patience--or lack there of. I was not prepared for the major backlash of Lincoln not having a built-in play mate to wake up to every morning (Corinne doesn't count here). He was having major issues listening and following simple directions and kept telling me "I need my friends". So we are taking this week in stride and hoping for a more enjoyable Week 11. I have cut Lincoln's TV time astronomically and decided that the key to Lincoln finding his listening ears is to threaten to take toys away and then follow through with it---toys are returned when he earns them back. Of course the negotiator that he is---he offered me some of Corinne's toys when I said I was going to take something away. "Oh here, have this purse!" But I knew I had to hit below the belt to send the message---so I snatched up a vacuum. And after the second offense, he lost his other vacuum! You would have thought it was the end of the world the way he was acting. But not only was Lincoln downright tuning me out when I would talk to him, but he would also look at me after telling him not to do something and do it again! GRRRRRRRRRR, this boy was testing me! Nathan was quick to remind me that Lincoln is surely his father's son--as Nathan gets a sick joy out of pushing my buttons as well. This is something we will get through, but it has to be nipped in the butt now--and quickly! Next week we are very busy with playdates, a field trip to a dairy farm at school, gymnastics, and pony rides (weather permitting)---so hopefully the other kids can fill in where Mom and Sissy fall short. My one saving grace was being able to drop both kids off at Sunday School and having a glorious hour to myself and enjoy church for the first time in the main santuary (not the cry room). Coincidently the sermon was on Getting Through Trials and Tragedies. I know this is just another trial in my life and we will get through this just like we did with the concept of sharing and using the potty. I just hope it all clicks together soon!
On the bright side, we were able to enjoy some time outdoors.
Corinne and Chomper went on a treasure hunt for sticks.
She also practiced her soccer skills.
But needed a water break here and there.
Lincoln threw a golf ball into a bush, that took us forever to find!
Corinne loves snatching my phone up to call Dada.
When it got chilly, the kids did a little gymnastics inside.
Corinne decided she loves hats---particularly any that belong to her brother.
Lincoln perfected the art of gate climbing. The nice part is that if Corinne sleeps in, I no longer wake up to a loud "MAMA". Instead I hear the pitter patter of excited little feet running towards my room. Even when I am exhausted that sound makes it is hard not to wake up with a smile.
Corinne perfected her cow sound which is not the generic "moo", but a more authentic "Mmmmmuuuuuuurrrhhhhh". She is going to love the dairy farm.
The need to give Corinne a lesson on using purses became apparent when she started shoving things in her mouth when her hands were already occupied.
Lincoln took a joy ride in his sister's new wheels.
Corinne experienced play-duh for the first time. The incredible temptation to taste it lasted about 5 seconds and her sculpting adventures came to a sudden hault.
We dumped out all of the puzzles and put them back together without losing a single piece!
Corinne thinks Lincoln takes too long on the potty and decided she would take a siesta at his feet until he was ready to rejoin her for playtime.
We invented a new game out back called "Collect the Rocks"---it works on the same concept of an Easter Egg Hunt. And Lincoln was true to form and decided to steal all of Corinne's rocks out of her bucket. Luckily rocks are plentiful in our disheveled flower beds, so there were no hard feelings.
Lincoln enjoyed some of the birthday cookies we made for Daddy--at least the frosting part.
Corinne stole a few kisses from a sea lion.
Quotes of the Week
I had no idea how much Lincoln appreciated Andrea and Ana's visit. He was pretty much devistated after they left.
Quote 1
After waking up Monday morning to find out house empty of houseguests.
Lincoln: "Oh no! I lost my friends. I want my friends back!"
Quote 2
While walking into Lowes.
Me: "We need to look for a new fan for your room."
Lincoln: "You need to find me a new friend."
Me: "I don't know that we can find friends for you here."
Later while asking a Lowes guy for some help.
Lincoln: "I'm not finding any friends at Lowes."
Lowes Guy: "I'll be your friend."
Lincoln: "No. I need a different friend."
Quote 3
After reading Harriet You'll Drive me Wild.
Me: "Lincoln, my darling child, Lincoln, you drive me..." (waiting for the word "wild")
Lincoln: "Nuts! Sissy drives me nuts!"
Quote 4
After getting up from the potty and examining a job well done.
Lincoln: "'C'--I made a 'C'! I'm so proud of me!"
Me: "It does look like a 'C'!"
Appently Lincoln will be learning his letters by pooping them out. Wish us luck on the letters W, X, K, and G!
Quote 5
While crawling into bed at night and handing me a clump of Goofy's hair.
Me: "Is this Goofy's hair? What happened?"
Lincoln: (sad voice) "Ye-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_20">s. Put it back."
Me: "Lincoln, you shouldn't do things like this. I can't put it back on. If you ruin your toys, they are ruined. I can't fix it and Daddy and I are not going to just buy you new ones. Did you rip it out?"
Lincoln: "Take the scissors away."
Me: "What scissors? There are no scissors in your room. You need to tell Goofy sorry."
Lincoln: (Holds up Curious George, the monkey, to Goofy) "George did it. George, you need to say sorry to Goofy."
Quote 6
If this isn't a red flag that my kid has been to the OBGYN with me one too many times I don't know what is! On the way to the dermatologist.
Lincoln: "We going to your doctor Mama. He going to look at your face."
Me: "Yep, the skin on my face."
Lincoln: "And your hiney too!"
Me: "Not today. That's a different kind of doctor."
Quote 7
While driving in the car.
Lincoln: "Daddy's party is coming up next."
Me: "You mean Daddy's birthday? It sure is, but we are not going to have a party for him because he isn't here."
Lincoln: "We need to make him a cake."
Me: "Okay, but let's make him cupcakes or cookies so that we can share and give some to Miss Linda next door. We can't eat a whole cake by ourselves."
Lincoln: "My friends coming over to eat the cake. And Mimi and Grandpa Jinks too!"
We did make cookies to share and will have a small party for Daddy on Wednesday.
Quote 8
Not my favorite quote of the week!
After he asked for apple juice and I told him please put the car back in the playroom and then he could have some.
Lincoln: "No, I not like you!"
Me: "That hurt my feelings--that wasn't nice to say."
Lincoln: (looks at my sad face with a sad face of his own) "Oh no, Mama, you really sad."
Me: "Yes. Why did you say that?"
Lincoln: "I don't know" (strokes my face) "Don't be sad Mama, you're okay, you're okay. I know what will make you feel better!"
Me: "What is that?" (puckering up for a kiss)
Lincoln: (He runs off to get a toy) "a haircut! Here is a toy. You're okay" (hands me a microphone).
I guess he pays attention when I come home from the hairdresser and say "Oh I feel so much better!"
Quote 9
The day after the "I not like you" incident.
Lincoln: (With a huge smile) "I not like you Mama! I not like you Mama!"
Me: (I give him The Look) "Lincoln, I told you that is not nice to say." (I give him my best sad face, but are not really hurt this time---just confused as to why this is so funny to him.)
Lincoln: (Even happier this time) "I not like you Mama. You're sad. I not like you!" (Bursts into laughter) "I LOVE YOU!"
Me: "Oh, I love you too, Lincoln! Thank you for saying that. That is so nice!" (big hugs and kisses)
Quote 10
While we are playing outside.
Lincoln: "Mama you need to pick up the Chompy poopy."
Me: "Okay, I need to go inside and get a bag."
Lincoln: "I'll do it!"
Me: "Okay you know where they are? Go get me one."
Lincoln: "In the kitchen."
Me: "Okay, you do it."
Lincoln: "No, I don't want to. If I pick up Chompy poop, I will get poop all over my hands!"
Me: "Okay I'll go get the bag and pick it up, you show me where it is"
(I go get the bag and find Linc squatting down outside Japo style pointing.)
Lincoln: "Turd, turd, turd.....more turds!"