---Unsolicited "I love you Mama!"s
---Random "leg squeezies"
---Carrying a sleeping kid on your shoulder.
---Lincoln saying "I'm sooo happy!"
---My children learning something new and seeing the delight in their faces at how proud they are of themselves and knowing how proud I am of them.
---My children's morning breath (I know it sounds crazy, but I actually like the smell).
---Their stinky feet.
---The laughter of them chasing each other.
---Endless giggles during a tickle session.
---The way Corinne bounces up and down to the "hot dog" song.
---That Lincoln always remembers to pray "that Mommy has a lot of patience" at bedtime.
---Corinne stealing kisses from me after waking up from a nap.
---Lincoln's refusal to go down for a nap until his sister has blown him a kiss as we stand at the door.
---Lincoln telling me "This is so much fun!" while we are on one of outings.
---My children's obsession with putting my shoes on my feet for me.
---The way Lincoln says "Help please Mama, please Mama, please Mama" when I tell him to remember his manners.
---The way Corinne says "Hi Dada" on any toy phone and says "Go bye-bye" as we walk out the door.
---The way Lincoln makes his elephants say prayers with us at night.
---That both kids love to snuggle up with Chomper.
---Corinne singing to me in the car.
---Lincoln teaching Corinne new things.
---Reading to my children.
---The way both kids sniff flowers and the funny faces they make while they do it.
---Their constant eagerness to help and "I do it!" attitude.
The list could go on and on, but the truth is that my children are such a blessing in my life. They have shaped who I am, and I can honestly say that I am most thankful for the constant gifts they give me like the ones listed above. Nathan once said that "being a parent the Greatest Gift" and I don't think that I could say it any better. My children serve as a constant reminder of the joy to be found in all things and the love that God gives to us all.
I also have to note here that I am the mother I am today because of the excellent example my own mom has had in my life. My mother may not be a lot of things...she is certainly not a big CEO of a fortune 500 company, a world traveler, or a fashionista...but she is a prime example of what it means to be a mom. She has always put her family first even if it meant that she went without. Growing up I could always count on her to help me with my homework, cheer me on at every sporting event I chose to partake in, make me the best Halloween costume around, and have a home cooked meal on the table at the end of the day. I have learned and continue to learn so much from my mom, and I am forever grateful for all the time, dedication, and love she pours into our family. She once told me "You will never know how much I hurt, when you hurt" and now that I have children of my own I know that the pain is two fold when your child hurts and that you will do anything to take that pain away. So "Thank you Mom" for being my shoulder to cry on, my constant support system, my ear to vent to, and for always being "selfless" and never "selfish". I love you---Happy Mother's Day!
Aww you're so sweet on what you wrote to your mom. Almost made me cry! Glad you had a great mother's day. (I actually like E's stinky morning breath too! Hehe)