Sunday, May 16, 2010

Week 13

This week was fairly uneventful for us. We had lots of great weather and got outside as much as possible, but Corinne came down with an odd fever on Wednesday and Thursday--but only in the evening. Because all of the Tylenol and Motrin has been recalled, we had to make a late night run to Rite-Aid. She seems fine now, but I think it might be new teeth moving around in there---although I can't see or feel any new sprouting up. We did lose some sleep in the evenings, but Lincoln and I took advantage of her long nap on Friday and decided to wash my car. It was quite a task, as it was covered in mud---thanks to Nathan! But we eventually got it done. Maybe next week we will try to tackle the inside. And I have no plans to wash the truck any time soon!

When Corinne was feeling up to par, she enjoyed stealing her brother's hat while he sat helpless on the potty.

Lincoln and I did a lot of roughhousing this week. I think he might be missing gymnastics, but I am glad those days are behind us---it was quite a workout for me too!

The kids enjoyed some "Mimi donuts" (small powdered ones) one morning and made quite a mess.

Corinne was not happy with me when I sat her on the counter to clean up. I think she thought I was going to abandon her there.

Lincoln did a few laps around the yard---constantly reminding me to pick up the Chompy poopy!

But he had to come in for a few potty breaks himself.

We found a new "sand box park" as Lincoln calls it.

And it had "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse gears".

Lincoln gave the miniature monkey bars a whirl.

And Corinne enjoyed swinging in the shade.

Corinne's latest fascination is airplanes. She points them out whenever one flies over---about every 3 minutes as we live close to a small airport.

Here is Corinne when she was starting to feel a bit crummy.

Lincoln learned to make his favorite popcorn that he requests daily.

This is his grouch face after I told him he only gets one bowl a day.

We got the pool out for some splashing fun.

But Corinne was completely confused by her swimsuit cover-up.

Lincoln joined Corinne during one of her many siestas while they waited for the water to warm up.

I let Corinne go diaper free, but she kept looking for it.

Lincoln splashed about 2/3 of the water out of the pool and it warmed up quickly after that.

Corinne was in the soak zone.

The tiny pool is just big enough for the two of them. Corinne decided to join Lincoln once the water warmed up....

And then she kicked him out.

Lincoln went inside to pretend to be Mommy.

On Sunday we had a picnic on the patio after church.

Chomper enjoys the picnics just as much as we do because he is at close range for picking up scraps.

Corinne entertained us on her "hand phone" while she pretended to talk to Dada.

And Lincoln snuck a few of her pretzels while she wasn't looking. This is his "what, who me???" face.

We had a relaxing Sunday full of smiles and laughter.

Here is a shot of the fangs Lincoln inherited from Nathan---Twilight here he comes! We are still unsure if Corinne will get the vampire chompers.

Corinne did a little running around outside before we all laid down for an afternoon nap. This was the first time I have actually got a nap in since Nathan left and it was GLORIOUS! I was so thankful for the opportunity to recharge while both kids slept too!

And we wrapped up the week with a spaghetti dinner.

At least Lincoln did--I am unsure how much pasta actually made it into Corinne's mouth.


Quote 1:
While I am changing Corinne's diaper.
Lincoln: "Ewwwwwwwe. Sissy made poopy. PEEEEE-EWWWWE. Sissy got a lot of tiny grapes comin' outta her hiney!"

Quote 2:
Lincoln: "I wanna go fight the bad guys with Daddy when I get big."

Quote 3:
While watching the gardeners work outside.
Lincoln: "Those yard people have a some sharp man tools!"

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