Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 18

We had a very busy and eventful week. It started out a bit rocky with some serious grouchiness coming from the kids, but I knew to expect that after having a visitor. But two days later, they were fully recovered from Grammy's visit and back to normal. Highlights from the week include Lincoln's first date, a trip to a bounce house place with Colton, a visit to Newport Beach, and attending a Fairy Festival.
We laid low on Monday and tried to get caught up on our chores. Corinne decided she wanted to try eating at the big kid table and did pretty well--until I walked into the house to grab a sippy cup and she instantly dumped her plate. Oh well, better luck next time.

Then Miss Karen and her daughter Haley came by to pick up Lincoln for some ice cream. He was thrilled to get to ride in Karen's "big, red, loud truck" and he even talked her into taking him back to her place so he could meet her "big puppy dogs and 4 dumb cats" (she has 2 English Mastiffs and 4 leftover barn cats that she wishes she didn't have). He also got to meet her son, Griffin--who rides motocross and gave Linc a little motocross action figure and bike. Griffin instantly took a spot in Lincoln's top 10 list! It was such a treat for him and he felt sooo special to be able to go out without Mom and that pesky sister. Meanwhile, Corinne and I got all the clothes put away.

We were finally able to schedule a play date at Pump It Up with Colton for Tuesday. I have to say that it was very entertaining and I look forward to bringing Nathan there too, so we can all play some more.

It was a little rough making it up the inclines, but Lincoln made it!

And the slide down was well worth the hard work!

I even took a turn with the boys!

On Wednesday, we met up with the Lewison clan at Newport Beach to join the church group summer beach tour. This was our first one of six, but I have to say after having a 2.5 hour drive home, we will opt out of all future LA beach visits. Most of the other moms have older kids that can stay late past rush hour. But even with leaving at 2:30 pm, we still hit bad traffic--partly because of a brush fire---gotta love California!

The kids still had a great time in the sun and sand.

Corinne made herself comfortable with the Women's Ministry leader.

At first I told them it was just a day to play in the sand---that the water was too cold to get in.

But that didn't last long.

And before I knew it, we were soaking wet in ice cold water! This kid is fearless and thinks nothing of diving right in--despite the cold water and huge waves. (I also signed Lincoln up for swim lessons this week to start in July.)

One of the best parts of our day was coming home to a nice clean house (Karen came while we were gone) and to some new friends---well not so much new, but definitely different!

Both kids were super excited to meet the butterflies.

Lincoln had to coax them out and introduce himself.

They were not entirely ready to fly, but Lincoln enjoyed chasing them around the yard. Unfortunately so did Chomper. We had to yell at him to not eat them---then we threw him in the house.

We tried feeding them some sugar water on a rose, but they were more interested in flying away from the crazy kiddos that were chasing them all around the yard.

Corinne decided she didn't want the food to go to waste---so she ate it instead.

Corinne got a new swimsuit and sandals to prepare for all our water activities this summer.

Lincoln tried out a new sand/water toy....while Corinne practiced her table dancing skills.

And off goes the hat.

Then she gives me this look like "What??? I know you enjoyed my performance!"

Lincoln was way overdue for a haircut, so on our trip down to Pendleton to pick up San Diego County Fair tickets, we decided to swing in for a haircut. It is the best one he has had since Nathan left. But he did say that he wants Daddy to cut his hair when he gets home.

And we made it home for some more fun in the sun.

Corinne is obsessed with naming her parts---especially her belly button.

She practed her moves some more.

And Lincoln kept us nice and cool.

This is his tough guy face, but apparently not too tough to warm up with Mama in the sun.

On Saturday morning we headed to the Botanical Gardens for the Fairy Festival with the Lewisons. It was originally planned as a girls day, but we decided to let the boys tag along when we were at a loss for babysitters. We lucked out and got in for free because it was one of the facilites participating in Blue Star--enableing all active duty military and their families to get in for free between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Yay for us!

Lincoln was a bit bummed that he didn't get to dress up---but was thoroughly entertained by the fairly dust (glitter confetti) that the workers kept handing him.

He also checked out the garden telescope...

...and playhouse.

Then he did a bit of creek stomping.

And managed to pose for a picture.

The kids enjoyed the larger than life lawn chairs...

and music garden.

Corinne suprisingly well at keeping her wings on.

Then we ended the day by meeting the Fairy Queen.

The kids took a great nap when we got home and woke up refreshed and ready for some more dress-up.

Lincoln made us some tea---

That was just delicious.

They even managed to both smile for me in their chef outfits.

They each thought the other one was looking kind of funny in those hats!

After a date with Daddy on Skype, Lincoln and I had a slumber party in his room. I brought in the tv from the garage and we watched A Princess and a Frog together before bed. I finally realized why he is always sleeping upside down in bed--the kid does summersaults when he is half conscious with his eyes closed as he is falling asleep. Then when he is starting to drift off into a deep sleep and starts to twitch a bit, he laughs out loud! He must be having some really good dreams! I only lasted in there until about 1 am--he is too much of a monkey to sleep with!

On Sunday we went to church and I tried to get a nice pic of the kids all dressed up. Allow me to narrate their thoughts for you here.
Linc---No not again! Corinne---Oh yes! Take some more please.

Corinne---Mom, he isn't cooperating!

Corrine---I think if I karate kick him, he might sit still for you.

Lincoln---No, I am going to kick you off of the couch and out of my photo shoot.

Lincoln---Now that's what I am talkin' about!

After our two new sprinklers from Grammy bit the dust (thank you for thinking ahead and leaving the receipt Grammy!), we exchanged them for a new one! It turns out the third time is a charm and the ball popper/sprinkler is a favorite that actually works and stays in the ground!

Corinne kept her distance and was a bit afraid to put the balls in herself. So she gathered them and handed them to Linc to plop back in.

He was one happy camper to have a sprinkler back!

And we ended the night with a spaghetti dinner. And yes, Mom and Dad, I do let my kids eat marinara sauce with their spaghetti---but only on bath nights!


Quote 1:

After insisting all week that there was a space shuttle at Miss Karen's house and finally going for a visit to check it out.
Lincoln: sad voice "There's no space shuttle at Miss Karen's house."

Quote 2:
After I threw away a note that Karen left me with the fresh cut roses after cleaning the house.
Lincoln: Yelling at me "Don't throw that in the trash. That will make Miss Karen sad!"

Quote 3:
While we are releasing the butterflies
Lincoln: "Come on butterflies. Time to fly."
Me: "Say hello to them."
Lincoln: "Hi, I'm Lincoln. That's Chompy, my puppy dog."
Me: "What about Sissy...Tell him Sissy's name?"
Lincoln: "That is my Sissy."
Me: "Yes, but what do we call her?"
Lincoln: "We call her Sissy!"

Quote 4:
Just talking on the couch.
Lincoln: "What's Sissy's name?"
Me: "Corinne"
Lincoln: "Her a princess!"
Me: "Yes, she is a princess!"
Lincoln: Yelling "Her OUR princess! Her OUR baby!"

Quote 5:
After telling me he wants to dress up at the Fairy Festival the next day too.
Me: "You can't dress up like a fairy. That is just for girls. But there will be lots of pretty girls all dressed up there to look at."
Lincoln: "I'm gonna get them. I'm gonna chase them!"

Quote 6:
Totally random while we are playing in the family room.
Lincoln: "Stupid dog! I like saying that to Chompy!"
Apparently I need to watch what I say to the dog too!

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