Sunday, March 7, 2010

Week 3

We had a pretty good week. Lincoln is definitely head on into his "terrible twos", but we are practicing recognizing tantrums and trying to calm down before he gets sent to his room. Here is a little of what we did.

We had fun playing with Legos in Lincoln's room.

I had a special request to build Daddy Lego and Lincoln Lego----we didn't have enough for Mom and Sissy.

I decided to upgrade Corinne's car seat and pack away the infant carrier after bumping her legs into things while I carried her. Even though the weight limit is 25 lbs., and she is barely weighing in at 17, we were both tired of smashing her into it before trips.

After more than a few attempts I finally got the new seat safely secured. The whole car seat instillation normally falls under "Daddy Jobs". I discovered the best way to secure a super tight fit is to sit in the car seat yourself while cranking on one of these----

Now she is riding in style!

But gone are the days of snapping her out of the car and into the shopping cart where she can comfortably lounge while I pile in groceries around her. Now all our errands just became that much more difficult. Try going to the bathroom while holding an almost-one-year-old on your lap and keeping a two year old from touching icky things on the floor. Now try pulling up your pants and zipping them, then washing your hands.......not so easy, is it! The things I sacrifice for her comfort!

We went to the park on base, where it is totally fenced in and the ground is covered in bouncy turf. Corinne couldn't quite figure it out.

I loved that she could run around and basically bounce back after every fall.

Lincoln of course loves going up and down the slides.

And checking out the helicopters that flew over us.

Corinne was pretty sure her brother was crazy for climbing up the slide.

Then she tried it herself and discovered just how much she was missing out on.

Corinne found out the hard way what happens to an untended sippy cup.

It gets thieved by your brother of course!

Better luck next time kiddo!

We all did a little swinging.

Running all that energy off was the perfect recipe for a nice snoozie on the ride home.

We went to the Wild Animal Park with Ava and Jake-Jake.

Sometimes I think we should have left our kids there---they would fit right in.

Lincoln practiced his gymnastics skills.

And gave Corinne a lesson on trucks. "And that a dump truck, and that a fire engine, and that a tractor and plow."

He also taught her a few other tricks.

Corinne played a little dress-up while Lincoln was napping.

But she seemed more concerned with when Daddy was coming home.

I mean, I thought we had a good week, but clearly Lincoln is feeling a bit outnumbered by the girls. Check out what he did when he got a hold of our family photo calendar.

He is either feeling some serious estrogen overload, or Corinne and I are definitely on his "list".


Quote 1

Me: (Upon coming upstairs to Lincoln running around with no diaper on while he is supposed to be napping) Lincoln, where are your pants? Why don't you have a diaper on?
Lincoln: (Still running back and forth) Oh, I peed on the floor again!
Me: (now in his room by the wet spot that is 3 feet from the potty and the dry diaper on the floor) How does this happen? Were you standing or sitting?
Lincoln: I was sitting.
Me: So what happened?
Lincoln: (with a head tilt and shoulder shrug) I don't know. Accident happens sometimes Mama.

Note: Luckily for me my adoring husband sent me an email explaining the occupational hazards of owning a "weenie". Specifically the danger of sweaty balls or "swalls". We then had an in depth lesson on the proper potty steps to take while sitting down. Un-glue weenie from leg and/or nutsack. Release. Push weenie down. Close legs completely. Push the pee-pee out. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE WEENIE LIKE A SQUIRT GUN.

Quote 2

At prayer time.

Lincoln: God help Sissy not touch the Xbox butt (his word for button). Help keep Daddy and Uncle safe while he fights the bad guys on the airplanes and watches movies---Dinosaur Ice Age (specifically). Help Mommy have no patience. (he means patience) And help Lincoln throw no temper tantrums. That's not nice and not fair to Mommy and Sissy.

1 comment:

  1. I think you got Corinne the same car seat I have for E. Your quotes are what I look forward too most. They always make me laugh. Looks like you're holding down the fort just right. Keep it up girl!
