Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 5

Our week was chaotic as usual, but good. Aside from constantly battling our landlord, I would chalk our week up as a success! I had marked off Tuesday as our "beginning to potty train" week. And as much as I would like to say, we did it in 3 short days, the truth is that we have been working on it for the past year and I finally decided that we were both ready to tackle it head on. We finally had a break in our schedule and enough time has passed since Nathan has left for him to emotionally deal with everything. I will have to say that he was probably ready months ago, but we were too busy to dedicate the time to it. So the "Potty Fairy" came to visit and brought us a brand new chart with stickers for pooping and peeing.

I loaded up with red jelly beans (Linc's color and flavor of choice!).

And we threw out the diapers.

Pooping was our greatest challenge. But after making him sit and eat and drink on the potty (I know gross, but I was desperate!) and repeat viewings of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse---we had success! Who knew I would be so excited over poop!

Corinne did a good job of keeping him company---although she was not always welcome. He does enjoy his privacy!

It was unusually warm outside this week (record breaking temps), so we enjoyed the sunshine as much as possible.

Corinne and I even ate breakfast on the patio one morning.

Accidents were minor (only 1 or 2 a day) with no bed wetting. Our worst one was a puddle on the kitchen tile. I initially thought, no biggie, better the tile than the carpet. That is until Lincoln decided it was similar to a rain puddle that you stomp in. GRRRRRRRRRR! So a small clean up turned into a huge mess of pee splatter all over the kitchen!
We were all pretty happy to be done with diapers---at least one set of diapers.

We stayed home for the most part, but did short errands and went to Lincoln's music class.

We made a cake for our neighbors "Send Off to Boot Camp Party."

Then we went off to send our best wishes!

Oh and did I mention during all of this we had bees in our house? They were coming in through the dryer vent, the recessed lighting, and the bathroom window---the same bathroom we frequented 20 times a day during potty training. So I snapped some pictures for my landlord and sent him an email detailing the infestation in the house and my constant bee-squishing. Which he replied "Bees are a seasonal thing in SoCal. We tend to ignore them." Oh it is on, Bobacadouche---on like Donkey Kong!

Quotes of the Week:
Quote 1:
(While peeing in the Walmart bathroom)
Lincoln: "Uh, Oh Mommy! Your pants all wet! I peed on you." (luckily just a minor splatter)

Quote 2:
Lincoln: "Mimi, Grandpa Jinks, and Aunt Linda going to come see me soon!"
Me: "Grandpa Jinks and Linny will be here, but not Mimi--she has to work."
Lincoln: "She has to stay at home and vacuum."
Quote 3:
(This kid is obsessed with Cinderella)
Lincoln: "I got a beautiful ball gown and glass slippers."

Quote 4:
(While he is in the tub and I am getting Corinne dressed I see him hunched over all funny.)
Me: "Lincoln, what are you doing."
Lincoln: "Oh, playing with my weenie! I pushing the weenie butt (what he calls a button)" (Now what a weenie button is------I have no idea???)

Quote 5:

(While almost sticking his finger to stir his milk like the cat on Cinderella--until I caught him and gave him the look!)

Lincoln: "I not a kitty cat Mommy."

Me: "No you are not, what are you?" (looking for the words "person" or "human")

Lincoln: "And you not a kitty cat, Sissy not a kitty cat, Dada not a kitty cat, Uncle not a kitty cat and Lincoln not a kitty cat!"

Me: "That's right. What are we called?" (still looking for a reference to people)

Lincoln: "We a family. That's our family!"

Me: "You're right sweetheart. That's our family!"

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